Ceremonial Manual
The Order of the Engineer is a solemn Obligation to oneself to uphold devotion to the standards and the dignity of the engineering profession. It is an Obligation to turn to practical use the principles of science and the means of technology…to serve humanity by making the best use of Earth’s precious wealth.
The material contained within this manual has been provided for use by each prospective or current link in the preparation of induction ceremonies for The Order of the Engineer. Included in the materials are specific instructions for conducting a Ceremony including sample program documents, mandatory and/or suggested speaker scripts and associated forms that event organizers may find helpful.
Ceremony Manual (you will need a PDF reader to open this 57 page document)

Ceremonial Ring
Large Ring Dimensions
Inside Diameter 12.0 in.
Outside Diameter 14.5 in.
Radial Thickness 1.250 in.
Longitudal Thickness 2.750 in.
Approximate Weight 30 lbs.
Material Used for Ohio Northern University Ring
C .35
Mn .80
Si .45
Cr 1.00
Mo .4
Cu .5
Finishing Instructions for Ring:
Sand smooth.
Fill with good grade wood filler.
Paint 3 coats plastic engineering #960 aluminum epoxy.
Sand smooth.
Paint flat black.